How to incorporate an educational childcare setting into your home
When planning the layout of the daycare, I wanted to include elements of a Montessori setting, a space for mat and floor work, accessible storage elements and a space for my belongings and storage for extra daycare items.

In a Montessori setting, the shelves and materials are at the childs level so that they can use the materials as they choose and independently. The Montessori shelf includes materials from different subjects like Practical Life (focuses on life skills), Sensorial, Math and Language, Geography, History and Science activities. I rotate some of these materials depending on our weekly theme.

Next to that, is our Arts & Crafts and motor activities shelf including pencils, pencil crayons, scrap paper, cut and paste activities, and various blocks and manipulatives sets. I keep the paint, paint brushes and craft supplies in a separate container up high on a shelf.

We have a reading corner and basket of books that I rotate every other week. This is a great addition to have for some quiet time or while you are preparing or wrapping up some work. Reading with the children is very important in developing communication, language and problem solving skills. The children really enjoy reading on their own and to one another. We have storytime daily and usually have one book that the children choose and then one from our weekly theme from our classroom bookshelf.

I have a shelf for my educational materials which helps to keep them organized and easily accessible as well as a basket of cleaning supplies on the top level.
We have circle time daily where we sing a Good Morning song, talk about a theme we are having that week and go through the Calendar and Weather for the day. Close by, is a chalkboard as well. We use this for printing practice skills and during play time.

My husband came up with a great idea which was to take the door off of the closet to allow for more space in the room, and avoid any possible tiny fingers getting caught in the door. This way, we are able to see what toys are in the closet and they are easily accessible for the kids. Storage containers are a great way to organize larger toys.

Our table we have in the classroom and chairs are situated by the windows which is great for natural light while the children do their activities.
We have carpet on the floor where the daycare is located and so spills do happen and so having these foam mats are great for floor work to help with clean up if that does happen and are wiped down and disinfected weekly. They are great for when we do gym class as well on rainy days.
Nap time takes place in the daycare. We have an area just outside of the room of mats, a mini book basket and some stuffed animals to cuddle with and getting some rest after a fun and busy day of learning!

The layout of the daycare includes elements of the Montessori curriculum and schedule in our program. By simply having a shelf, some hands on materials and manipulatives, toys and books and rotating items these are some simple ways to incorporate an educational setting into your home.